How to create training modules to enhance and track your organization’s capacity-building efforts in real-time.
  • Navigate to the ‘Training’ section on the dashboard.
  • Organize by creating a new training group. Provide a name and add the training group.
  • Under the training group, go to ‘Actions.’ Click the plus sign to create a new training topic. Set start and end dates, name the topic, add a description, and set the overall target number of beneficiaries.
  • Add as many training topics as needed to form a complete training module for the training group.
  • Once the training module is complete, add it to the entire training module as a task in a workflow.
  • Track reach and timelines by accessing ‘Actions’ under the training topic. Get an overview of projects and agents implementing the training.
  • For beneficiaries in the workflow, their cards will be scanned at entry and exit. This auto-calculates time spent in the training room, providing insight into session consumption.

The system auto-generates an attendance list, saving you time and effort.

For more assistance, reach out to us. Let’s empower your organization with efficient capacity-building tools and make a positive impact together!